May I just say, WHAT THE HECK!?!? Seriously, it's only like 60 degrees out there and I come after like 2 hours and have a
freakin' sunburn!! I mean come on!!!! I'm not supposed to be able to get a sunburn until a month b4 school gets out at the earliest and here I am in the middle of April with a sunburn on both my arms!!!!
Also I am running for Student Body Publicity Director!!!!
wh00t!!!! If you are reading this then vote for me.....PLEASE!!!!!!!! My slogan is: Don't Wig Out!! Vote for Ave-your Fave!! So I wear a wig everyday and today, stupid Mr.
Mcferson (my history teacher) yelled at me for my wig and made me take it off!! REALLY!!! I mean
c'mon!! None of my other teachers had an issue with it! Oh well, I just had my mom come and bring me a different one!!
Anyhow, remember 1. Vote for Ave, she's your Fave!!! 2. Have a very
sparkly day (
copyright and patent pending laws apply to #2, you use it, I send you to jail!!!!! :] )
Love always
~Ave <3